In Your Best Interest with Justin Sisemore: Expert Family Law Insights

How Third-Party Possession and Custody Requests Are Handled (Ep. 16)

Gaining custody of a child as a third party may be in the child’s best interest, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy to attain. Even grandparents and close relatives have limitations to gaining custody.  In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones discuss third-party custody requests and the process behind them in Texas. […]

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What Rights Your Teenagers Have During A Divorce (Ep. 15)

As your children get older, they often get bolder.  This can make things a little trickier during divorce and custody cases. In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones join Mary Maloney to discuss the rights teenagers in the state of Texas have during a divorce settlement. Together they discuss how to effectively co-parent when […]

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Behind The Scenes Of Divorce Proceedings (Ep. 14)

In divorce proceedings, half of the battle is behind-the-scenes, when attorneys gather information and build the right strategy for each circumstance.  In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones focus on the process behind divorce proceedings and how attorneys function as a team to build your divorce strategy. Justin shares how he stays in constant […]

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Understanding Child Custody in Texas (Ep. 13)

Child custody is always a challenging conversation to have, but with the right information you can make the process easier on everyone involved. In this episode, Justin Sisemore, a Texas-based attorney, and Andrea Jones join Mary Maloney to unpack the options available in child custody battles and clear up some common misconceptions.  Learn about joint […]

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Where Step Parents Stand During A Divorce (Ep.12)

Being a step-parent during your spouse’s divorce can mean watching where you step. How could your actions impact the view of your love to the judge?  In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones explore the step-parent side of divorce, the importance of understanding where they stand during the legal process and how they could […]

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Starting Your Divorce On The Right Foot (Ep.11)

Too often, clients attack the other party’s pain points from the beginning. Using that strategy could backfire at a later hearing. In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones focus on the first step in divorce and how temporary hearings set a precedent for future hearings. Justin and Andrea share their personal experiences both from […]

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Why Children Resist Visitation After Divorce (Ep.10)

It can be easy to give in when a child starts crying. You want to protect your child from the hurt you assume they are experiencing at the other parent’s home. What if that isn’t the case? What if giving in isn’t the best option for the child’s well-being?  In this episode, Justin Sisemore and […]

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Maximize Asset Division During Divorce (Ep.9)

Dividing assets during divorce sounds easy on paper. Just split everything 50/50. The reality is much more complicated. In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones dive into the division of assets during divorce and what factors can impact the decision. They share tips for maximizing opportunities outside of the courtroom and the importance of […]

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Texas Style Family Court (Ep.8)

During custody battles, both parents often want sole custody of the children. But is that what’s best? In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones discuss the Texas rules and regulations surrounding custody battles. They share personal and professional stories of custody battles, how Justin advises clients attempting to get sole custody and Andrea’s viewpoint […]

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What To Do When Your Ex Keeps Dragging You Back To Court (Ep.7)

There’s no doubt that divorce can be really messy, and it doesn’t take long for it to get there. It is at this point that a good divorce lawyer comes into play. In this episode, Justin Sisemore and Andrea Jones discuss the tactics attorneys use in family court, what you can expect in a direct […]

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Parental kidnapping Texas law
July 2, 2024
Fathers’ Rights in Texas
July 1, 2024
prisoner in jail cell
If a Parent Goes to Jail Do They Lose Custody
June 27, 2024

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