Divorce Lawyer Fort Worth, TX

Fort Worth Divorce

Fort Worth divorce lawyer helping clients throughout Tarrant County

Divorce isn’t easy. In fact, it can be one of the most daunting challenges people ever face in their lives. Emotions run high, children’s futures hang in the balance and untangling a marriage’s worth of assets can get complicated. If you’re looking for a reputable family law attorney to help you navigate the complex issues of divorce and child custody, the Sisemore Law Firm, P.C.’s divorce lawyers in Fort Worth, TX are here to help.

Led by one of the top divorce attorneys in Fort Worth, TX, Justin Sisemore, the Sisemore Law Firm offers clients access to an experienced, multi-faceted and compassionate team of divorce lawyers, paralegals and support staff equipped to handle cases ranging in areas from a simple, uncontested divorce to complex divorces involving varied assets, property and business interests.

While every divorce and custody case requires a unique approach, our divorce attorneys in Fort Worth, TX remain constant in their unwavering commitment to pursue the best possible results for every client. You can count on the divorce lawyers in Fort Worth Texas at the Sisemore Law Firm, P.C., to:

  • Give you straight, no-nonsense legal advice.
  • Listen with compassion when it feels like your world is falling apart.
  • Be responsive. We’re there when you need us. Period.
  • Be the most prepared attorneys in and out of the courtroom.
  • Work aggressively to deliver the best possible outcome for your case.
  • Offer secure, state-of-the-art technology to facilitate communication and simplify document sharing during your case.

Robin's Story

With a divorce attorney Fort Worth from the Sisemore Law Firm by your side, you’ll be thoroughly prepared to navigate the complexities of divorce and child custody issues with a clear, strategic plan in place and dedicated divorce attorneys in Fort Worth to aggressively pursue your goals. Once your case is finalized, the goal of our divorce lawyers Fort Worth TX is to help you transition to a place of greater confidence, so you can get on with the next chapter of your life.

Do you have questions about divorce in Tarrant County and want to speak with a divorce attorney Fort Worth right away?

We can answer many questions by phone at (817) 336-4444 or through the chat feature on our website. You can also contact our Fort Worth family law firm to schedule a thorough case review with our founder Fort Worth divorce attorney Justin Sisemore.

Find out what you can expect to learn during a comprehensive legal consultation at the Sisemore Law Firm here

Filing for Divorce In Texas: The Basics

Establishing residency: If you want to file for divorce in Texas, you’ll need to meet state and county residency requirements, first. Texas requires persons to reside in the state for a minimum of six months before filing for divorce. In addition, you must establish residency in the county where you plan to file at least 90 days prior to filing.

Location also matters when choosing a divorce attorney. For example, a resident of Fort Worth should retain a divorce attorney Fort Worth who is licensed to practice in Tarrant County, as well as the state of Texas.

While the state of Texas doesn’t require you to hire a divorce lawyer to handle legal issues related to divorce and child custody concerns, handling your own divorce may lead to disastrous consequences. Unless you have few to no assets and don’t have children, we strongly advise against handling your own divorce. Learn more about the potential downsides of DIY divorces in these two posts:

Filing your petition for divorce: Once you retain a divorce lawyer, he or she can walk you through the divorce process and help you prepare the paperwork necessary to file a petition for divorce. You—or your attorney—will then need to file the petition for divorce at the local county courthouse and pay a fee, (Tarrant County residents can expect to pay $300 or more).

The state of Texas also requires divorce petitioners to notify spouses that the filing has occurred, an action known as “service.” Ask your attorney which services are available to you in the county where you reside.

Finalizing your divorce: Following a standard waiting period of 60 days, the divorce can be finalized pending resolution of any contested matters. Once you and your spouse agree to settlement terms (property division, spousal support, child custody and visitation, child support, etc.), you will both need to sign the final decree of divorce and appear before a family court judge. The divorce becomes final once the judge signs the decree of divorce. 

Learn more about the divorce filing process here: How to file for divorce in Texas: Five essential steps.

How the Sisemore Law Firm can help: Divorce options and annulments in Tarrant County

Depending on your financial situation, the shared assets you and your spouse hold (Texas is a community property state), and whether or not you have children, our divorce attorneys in Fort Worth, TX can assist you in finalizing a divorce through one of the following means:

Each of these methods offers distinct benefits and disadvantages, and our Fort Worth divorce lawyers can help you weigh your options. If you hope to achieve the best possible outcome for your divorce in Tarrant County and surrounding counties, it is important to speak with one of the best divorce lawyers in Fort Worth to determine how to protect your legal rights and assets.

While litigation may be the only option for some couples, it isn’t the best option for everyone. Many couples can resolve their differences through mediation. It’s important to note that mediation can be handled in two ways: With an attorney and without. However, going into mediation without an attorney can be risky.

Some couples think they’ll save money by working directly with a divorce mediator but that often isn’t the case—especially if you hire a mediator who is unscrupulous or isn’t an attorney. Even if you utilize a mediator, we strongly encourage that spouses hire their own divorce attorneys to look out for each individual’s unique best interests.

Oftentimes those attorneys can also negotiate a settlement that is agreeable to both parties by the attorneys corresponding or meeting directly with each other—with little to no involvement required from a mediator. In fact, this tactic has worked very well for our clients who want to work things out quickly and amicably, so they can move on with their lives.

In addition, certain scenarios (or grounds) may occur where a spouse may be eligible to seek an annulment to marriage in Texas. If you are seeking to divorce your spouse, a divorce attorney in Fort Worth at the Sisemore Law Firm can help determine whether you are eligible for an annulment in Fort Worth and surrounding counties, like Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson Parker and Wise, Texas.

FAQs: Visit our divorce resources page for answers to some frequently asked divorce-related questions.

Divorce Consulting Services in Texas

Get a second opinion for your divorce or custody case

When a doctor recommends a patient undergo surgery, most people would agree that it’s a good idea to get a second opinion before going under the knife. In many cases, getting a second set of eyes on a divorce or child custody case can be beneficial, too. A divorce consultant can give a second opinion about case strategy, tell you whether they believe your divorce or custody case is on the right track and offer their expertise in areas where the lead attorney needs guidance.

What is a divorce consultant?

A divorce consultant is a family law attorney who is licensed to practice law in the state where your family law case is taking place. Divorce consultants act much like general counsel does for Fortune 500 corporations or how a general contractor operates when overseeing the construction of a home or industrial complex. They look at the big picture and offer insight, while the divorce attorney handles the boots on the ground aspects of the case.

What does a divorce consultant do? What services do they provide?

The services a divorce consultant provides are based on the client’s needs—and those needs can really vary. Some people just want that second set of eyes on their divorce or child custody case to make sure their divorce lawyer is pursuing the best options for their case.

Other people may feel like their case is stuck in limbo and not going anywhere, or they may be frustrated by an attorney who isn’t returning phone calls or making recommendations that align with their goals. A divorce consultant can provide a different perspective, talk the client off the ledge, if necessary, or suggest an alternate attorney if making a change makes sense (oftentimes it doesn’t, especially for cases that are far along in the process).

For highly-complex, high-net-worth divorces or cases where various business entities are involved, an experienced divorce consultant can help out in myriad ways. For one, they can weigh in on case strategy, give a 30,000-foot view regarding how all the pieces are coming together and suggest options they believe could potentially provide the optimum outcome for the client.

Experienced divorce consultants also have a wide range of resources at their fingertips. In his capacity as both a divorce lawyer and consultant, our founder divorce attorney Justin Sisemore has cultivated a vast network of experts over the years, as a long-time resident of the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex and one of the top divorce attorneys in Fort Worth. From tracing and valuation experts to business bankers, high-net-worth accountants and financial advisors to child custody and psych evaluators to estate, business, civil and criminal lawyers and more, Justin works with the best of the best.

Why do I need a divorce lawyer and a divorce consultant? How do they work together?

Not everyone needs both a divorce lawyer and a divorce consultant. However, there are many instances where having a different attorney look at your family law case from that 30,000-foot viewpoint can be helpful. Divorce consultants can also arrange additional resources to help streamline a divorce or child custody case. You may benefit from hiring a divorce consultant if:

  • You feel stuck and frustrated with how your case is progressing.
  • You’re having communication issues with your divorce lawyer and want an objective opinion about your case.
  • You’re a client—or an attorney or law firm—who doesn’t have the necessary expertise regarding certain aspects of the case, like handling business valuations for multiple business, unravelling complex finances, valuing unusual types of property, etc.
  • You and your lead attorney are—or you are an attorney who is—from out-of-state and need a local attorney in Texas to weigh in on a case that is being heard in a Texas court.

Divorce consultants should be viewed as an additional resource for your legal team, not as someone trying to take over the lead attorney’s role. They truly act as consultants and don’t handle the important duties lead attorneys do, like conducting depositions, filing motions, temporary orders and other important paperwork, litigating in court, representing clients in mediation, and so on.

As a client, what can I expect during the initial consultation?

During the initial consultation, Justin’s first goal as a divorce consultant is to help bring clarity to his clients. Together, you will review the steps in your case that have occurred up until present. Next, he will explain what you can expect as the remaining steps in the divorce and/or custody negotiation process play out. This includes what timelines will likely look like, what you will be expected to do and what the other side might do during the case.

Justin will also answer any questions you have regarding what your lead attorney is doing, whether it makes sense for you and why they may be recommending it. If there are aspects of your case that he believes could be handled differently or resources he and the law firm can provide to help streamline your case, he can review those recommendations with you (and your lead attorney) at an appropriate time.

You can also expect Justin to be straightforward and honest about his recommendations for your case. If he thinks your divorce attorney is on the right track with the current case strategy, he will tell you so.

I’m a divorce attorney or law firm that needs a divorce consultant. How does that work?

Other attorneys and law firms frequently reach out to Justin if they need insight on aspects of a client’s divorce or child custody case that they don’t specialize in. If you think your client could benefit from another set of eyes on their case, you can call the law firm to schedule time to speak with Justin directly.

If he believes he could be an asset to the case from a consulting perspective, Justin will explain what next steps would look like and what resources he could tap into on your client’s behalf. If it’s a situation where you need to be connected with someone who offers expertise in an area that may benefit your client’s case, Justin may be able to provide referrals for you.

If you would like to learn more about the divorce consulting process or get a second opinion about an existing divorce or child custody case, contact us. To schedule a confidential case review with a divorce lawyer in Fort Worth, please call our office at (817) 336-4444 or schedule your consultation online.

Complex Divorce Cases

Since beginning his family law practice in 2007, Fort Worth divorce lawyer Justin Sisemore—often described by clients and opposing counsel as one of the best divorce attorneys in Fort Worth—has worked tirelessly to cultivate one of the top family law legal teams in Tarrant County. Our experienced team includes family lawyers, paralegals and support staff who offer a diverse and vast breadth of experience pertaining to divorce, child custody and other family law matters.

Our legal team also includes divorce lawyers Fort Worth with extensive experience in civil litigation, trial work and an astute understanding of the rules of procedure. This background and knowledge have proven beneficial to clients who needed legal support for highly complex divorces, especially those involving family wealth and business interests.

Over the years, our Tarrant County family law firm has handled thousands of divorce cases. Many of these have involved highly complex and often contentious divorce concerns, including high net worth divorce and divorce for business executives.

Our divorce lawyers in Fort Worth regularly help clients resolve disputes relating to the following matters:

Clients can rely on our recognized experience in resolving legal issues ranging from simple, uncontested divorce to complex concerns pertaining to significant assets, property, family trusts and other interests that may be involved with a complex, high-net-worth divorce case. Whether your legal needs are straightforward or complex, you can feel confident that our dedicated and experienced team will work tirelessly to reach a favorable resolution in your case.

Looking for the best divorce lawyer in Tarrant County? Visit our testimonials page to see what our clients have to say about the Sisemore Law Firm, P.C. difference.

When divorce involves children: How our divorce attorneys in Fort Worth, TX can help

The state of Texas believes the best interests of Texas children reign supreme, and at the Sisemore Law Firm in Fort Worth, we wholeheartedly agree. If you’re preparing to divorce in Texas and hope to secure shared, primary or sole custody of a child or children, our Fort Worth family lawyers are here to help.

Most of the family lawyers on our team are parents themselves, and some of us have gone through divorce, too. We can empathize with the challenges parents face when a family is torn apart. If your divorce involves custody and visitation of a child or children, you can count on us to fight tooth and nail to help ensure your custody and visitation orders provide the best possible arrangements for your child’s future.

When it comes to children and divorce, one of the biggest concerns many parents have is child support. Inevitably, one side views the child support they receive as inadequate, while the other side believes they are paying too much.

If you’re wondering how much child support you should expect to pay or receive, you’ll find some helpful insight here: Texas Child Support: How Does Child Support Work In Texas. You can also check out the Texas Office of the Attorney General’s Child Support Calculator to get a child support estimate.

In all honesty, our firm believes the state of Texas’ child support guidelines (Texas Family Code Chapter #154) for how much is child support in Texas tend to come up short for many parents. Texas follows a strict income-based formula with a $9,200 monthly income cap. If the spouse paying child support earns $100,000 per month, and the children are accustomed to a certain standard of living, a percentage of that monthly cap may not make a whole lot of sense.

Conversely, consider this scenario with two children and a 50/50 possession schedule. One parent earns $5,000 per month and the other parent doesn’t work. Requiring the working parent to pay the 25 percent of income required by Texas’ child support guidelines may be difficult to manage, especially when that other parent is fully capable of getting a job.

In cases like these—where the Texas child support guidelines don’t make sense—our divorce lawyers in Fort Worth will work diligently to negotiate a more equitable settlement.

How our divorce attorneys in Fort Worth keep your divorce costs in check

Looking for an affordable divorce lawyer in Fort Worth, TX? While our attorneys have a reputation for being fierce litigators, we prefer resolving our clients’ divorce, child custody and other family law concerns outside of the courtroom when possible. If you can avoid litigation, your divorce will cost a whole lot less.

Another way our firm helps clients save money is by educating them on how to keep our billable hours down. Here are two quick tips for starters:
You can save thousands of dollars by organizing your own financial documents and any other pertinent paperwork associated with your divorce vs. our paralegals handing it.
Instead of calling the firm every time you have a question or concern, compile a list. That way we can cover multiple items in one call or email, which takes less time, costing you less in billable hours.

We also help clients minimize divorce costs in other ways. For example, our paralegals are among the best of the best, so we utilize their talents to handle many tasks instead of our attorneys. This approach allows us to bill clients at a lower paralegal hourly rate instead of the higher divorce attorney Fort Worth TX hourly rate.

Plus, unlike some small, single lawyer family law firms, the Sisemore Law Firm employs an extensive team of divorce attorneys, paralegals and support staff, which enhances efficiencies (cost savings) and allows us to respond quickly, so we can be there when you need us. Now, if you prefer our team to handle every small detail for you, we’re happy to do so. It’s just going to cost you more to get divorced.

When it comes to hiring a divorce attorney in Fort Worth, you get what you pay for

If you’re searching for a divorce attorney in Fort Worth, free consultation to boot, we’re not the firm for you. The Sisemore Law Firm does offer affordable legal consultations, but we don’t offer them for free.

As noted, you get what you pay for. Divorce attorneys offering free consultations typically won’t offer much more than a brief, cursory review of your case. When you sit down for an initial consultation with our founder Justin Sisemore, you can expect he’s done his homework prior to meeting with you.

Our firm performs thorough reviews of every client’s case prior to the confidential consultation. When you sit down for your consultation with Justin, you will receive a comprehensive case review. He will tell you exactly where you stand, whether your expectations for divorce, child custody, spousal support (alimony) and a divorce settlement are realistic and what strategy he would use to win your case.

Since a positive and productive attorney-client relationship is so important (personalities, expectations and thoughts about strategy can differ) Justin will also tell you whether he believes the Sisemore Law Firm is the best family law firm to handle your case. He may even encourage you to interview other divorce attorneys in Fort Worth before you choose a divorce lawyer Fort Worth to assist with your divorce.

Not sure where to begin? A few tools to help you get started

Going through a divorce can be difficult, overwhelming and stressful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the divorce process. While a divorce attorney can offer excellent guidance, you may be in the early, pre-attorney stages of divorce. Based on common questions and concerns we hear in our practice, we’ve compiled a few resources that may help.

Curious as to how much a divorce costs? We’ve broken down the general costs you can expect from initial retainer through litigation here: How much does it cost to get divorced in Texas?

Wondering where you’ll get the money to pay for a divorce? We share some good tips and insight here: How much does it cost to get divorced in Texas?

Considering handling your divorce without a lawyer because your case is straightforward? We explain why uncontested divorces are pretty rare here: Hoping for an uncontested divorce? Find out if your passes the test

Think your spouse’s narcissism is too much to take? Learn more about narcissistic personality disorders here: How Personality Disorders and Narcissism Affect Child Custody Outcomes in Texas

Want to avoid financial and asset challenges that may accompany divorce? Learn about Protection of Assets.

Worried about your or your child’s mental health during divorce? Read: Can divorce drive you crazy? How to cope with the emotional toll of divorce

What is the quickest way to get a divorce? Read: How to speed up a divorce

Schedule a consultation: Call Our Fort Worth Office Today

If you’re ready to take the next step, contact our Fort Worth divorce lawyers to schedule a confidential case consultation with our founder, divorce attorney Justin Sisemore. Justin will take a deep dive into your case, discuss your concerns and provide answers to any pressing questions you may have about the divorce process.

For in-person meetings, our offices are conveniently located in Fort Worth near the Tarrant County family courthouse. Prefer to communicate with us virtually? We’re happy to “meet” with you via videoconference or by phone.

Arrange yours by calling our Fort Worth office at (817) 336-4444 or sending an email via our contact page.

With offices located near the Tarrant County family courthouse, we offer an additional convenience for our family law clients.