Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer Consultation

Man at computer contemplating divorce

If you’re considering a divorce or in the process of getting one, it’s important to find the right divorce lawyer to offer you sound legal advice. But how do you go about finding the right attorney? The answer is simple: through a divorce lawyer consultation. This initial meeting with a potential lawyer is a chance for you to ask questions, get to know the attorney and assess whether they’re the one for you.

However, before you sign an agreement with a divorce lawyer, it’s critical to do a little comparison shopping first. How do you accomplish that goal?

Schedule divorce lawyers consultation interviews with multiple lawyers (2 or 3) to find an attorney who is a good fit for you—strategically, ethically and personality-wise. Today, we’ll cover how to prepare for an initial divorce lawyer consultation with a divorce attorney and what to expect during the divorce attorney consultation.

Most reputable divorce attorneys charge a fee for the initial consultation.

When it comes to finding the right legal counsel, the initial divorce lawyer consultation is a crucial step in the process. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense, the first consultation with divorce lawyer from a reputable firm will come with a fee.

You can expect to pay about $200-250 on average. Granted, you may end up spending $500-600 before you find a lawyer who is a good fit for you. However, it’s a worthwhile investment that could save you the thousands of dollars you’d have to pay to switch divorce attorneys because the first one didn’t work out. (Unfortunately, this happens a lot when people don’t take the time to interview and choose the right attorney.)

If your attorney isn’t communicating with you, you can switch lawyers. Learn more in this recent post: Can I change attorneys once divorce proceedings are underway?

You’ll need to submit paperwork prior to the consultation.

Preparing for a divorce lawyer consultation involves more than just showing up on the day of your meeting. In fact, many family law firms require prospective clients to submit important information in advance of the divorce consultation. And we’re not talking about filling out a form in the waiting room the day of your consult. Our Fort Worth family law firm requires prospective clients to submit pertinent information in advance. That way, our team and founder divorce attorney Justin Sisemore have time to review your case and prepare for the meeting.

Organizing your assets for a divorce lawyer consultation is an essential part of handling this complex situation, and submitting paperwork in advance can help you make the most of your consultation divorce meeting. During initial legal consultations with our family law attorneys in Fort Worth, prospective clients can expect a thorough case review. They can also expect to walk away knowing exactly how we would approach their case. We cover specifics, not the generalities you typically get during a free legal consultation.

We have also made the preparatory process really easy, thorough and private by allowing clients to submit their information online through our secure digital platform. Getting paperwork organized and submitted in advance also benefits you. It forces you to think through concerns, timelines and goals, which is an important part of the divorce process.

The other upside of preparing and submitting information in advance of your meeting with a consultation divorce lawyer is the ability to get the ball rolling on your case right away. It also enables the firm to act quickly and file relevant orders should an emergency come up.

Ultimately, taking the time to prepare for your divorce lawyer’s consultation can help you achieve a successful legal outcome.

Ready to schedule your consultation now?

Now that you understand the importance of submitting paperwork in advance of your divorce law consultation, it’s essential to consider the selection aspects between you and your potential attorney.

We believe both the attorney and prospective client should be invested in the “audition” process. You’re getting to know the attorney, and he or she is getting to know you. It’s also really important to trust your gut and take time to weigh your options when possible.

During the consultation, you’ll want to determine whether:

  • The attorney’s ethics align with yours.
  • You and the attorney agree on a strategy and how to approach your case.
  • The attorney’s personality meshes well with yours.

Personality conflict is the No. 1 killer of the attorney-client relationship. Along with nonpayment of contract, it’s also one of the few reasons an attorney can withdraw from a case, so be sure the attorney you choose is someone you feel comfortable spending a lot of time with. If he or she rubs you the wrong way, RUN.

Whether you need assistance with child custody, child support or prenuptial agreements, virtual legal consultations provide a convenient way get the representation you need.

Prior to COVID-19, we conducted most initial divorce consultation in person at our Fort Worth family law firm—because that’s just the way it’s always been done. During the spring 2020 lockdown, in-person consults simply were not an option, so phone and videoconference consults became the norm, and they remain that way today.

The new virtual process has improved efficiencies, and it’s also reduced the turnaround time needed to address client needs. (If an in-person consultation is a must, we’re happy to arrange that for you.)

Most of our clients love the new virtual format. Not only does it save time (you don’t need to drive to the lawyer’s office or take time off of work), clients say it’s much less stressful, and they feel less pressure to make a decision about hiring an attorney—which is a good thing.

Again, we can’t stress enough the importance of hiring a divorce lawyer who is a good fit for you. In fact, if we don’t believe our firm is a good fit for you—we don’t agree on a strategy, personalities don’t mesh, etc.—we won’t take your case. We will explain why, and you will walk away with specific, actionable legal advice—but we won’t take your case.

If you need a divorce attorney in Fort Worth or surrounding communities, our compassionate and experienced family lawyers are here to help. To schedule a confidential case review with our founder Justin Sisemore, contact us. You can reach our Fort Worth law firm at (817) 336-4444 or connect with us online.

Photo Source: Canva.com

Justin Sisemore

Justin Sisemore

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