Sisemore Law Firm, P.C.’s Blog

Parents arguing in front of child
One of the most common questions parents ask our Fort Worth family law attorneys is, “How can I get a 50/50 possession schedule” or “50/50 custody schedule?” However, before digging into the HOW, it’s important to figure out IF a 50/50 possession schedule (often referred to as 50/50 custody or equal possession) makes sense for both parents, and most important, the child. If you want...
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Person making a divorce checklist for mediation Tarrant County
In Texas, the vast majority of divorces are resolved through mediation, with no trial needed. However, the process of preparing for divorce mediation is critical because it sets the stage for a productive and successful mediation. The better understanding you have regarding your marital estate, how divorce negotiations work and what you and your spouse hope to achieve through mediation, the more likely you will...
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Silhouette Man behind bars
Does a felony affect child custody? The short answer is: Yes, of course it can, but not always. A number of factors come into play when a party involved in a custody case has been convicted of or charged with a felony. Some of the factors judges will consider include when the felony occurred, what type of crime was committed, whether or not the party...
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Dad and daughter having playtime
It isn’t unusual for parents who pay or receive child support to think they have valid reasons to modify child support. After all, life circumstances change all the time. Parents change jobs, lose jobs, get raises, take pay cuts, pay higher health insurance rates and lose employer medical coverage. Situations also arise where a child’s needs change and recalculating child support may be in order....
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Hands holding money
In Texas, an inheritance is considered separate property and not subject to division during divorce. Sounds simple, right? However, if you’re concerned about how to protect your inheritance from your spouse, it’s best not to assume anything is simple. In fact, you should take steps to ensure your separate property (i.e., inheritance) is recognized as such and protected, to keep what is rightfully yours. Here’s...
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parents argue while sad child hugs teddy bear
While many children bounce back quickly after their parents’ divorce, the long-term effects of divorce on child mental health and wellbeing are real. Numerous studies have shown that children of divorce are at higher risk for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, promiscuity and suicide compared to children in stable, two-parent, nuclear families. Fortunately, children growing up with divorced parents can and do flourish when parents take...
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Couple with divorce mediator
Discover the Cost of Divorce Mediation in Texas
October 16, 2024Justin Sisemore
Division of Assets in Divorce Who Gets What
Divorce Splitting Assets: Comprehensive Guide
October 16, 2024Justin Sisemore
Man listening to two women talking behind his back
Understanding Laws Against Bad Mouthing the Other Parent
October 16, 2024Justin Sisemore

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